Tag: technology


Learn JavaScript Day 9: JavaScript and AJAX

Learn JavaScript Day 9: JavaScript and AJAXWelcome to Day 9 of our JavaScript tutorial series! Today, we will explore AJAX and how it can...

Learn JavaScript Day 8: JavaScript and CSS

Learn JavaScript Day 8: JavaScript and CSSWelcome to Day 8 of learning JavaScript! Today, we'll be exploring how to use JavaScript to manipulate and...

Learn JavaScript Day 6: JavaScript events

Learn JavaScript Day 6: JavaScript eventsWelcome to day 6 of your JavaScript journey! Today, we're going to talk about JavaScript events, which are an important...

Learn JavaScript Day 4: Understanding JavaScript Objects and JSON

Learn JavaScript Day 4: Understanding JavaScript Objects and JSONWelcome to Day 4 of your journey to becoming a skilled JavaScript developer! Today, we'll be...

What is AI: Unlocking the Secrets of Artificial Intelligence

Are you curious about what artificial intelligence (AI) really is and how it is changing the world? Look no further! In this article, we...

Learn JavaScript in 30 Days

Learn JavaScript in 30 DaysDay 1: Introduction to JavaScript and the basics of programmingRead about the history and evolution of JavaScriptSet up a development...