Recover Your Lost Password in WordPress with Ease


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Regain Access to Your WordPress Account: Retrieve Your Lost Password

If you are unable to log into your WordPress account because you have forgotten your password, do not panic. It is a common occurrence, and the good news is that recovering a lost password in WordPress is a quick and secure process. In this article, we will guide you through the necessary steps to easily regain access to your account. Let us get started!

Step 1: Access the WordPress Login Screen

To begin, go to the login screen of your WordPress blog. Simply type in your website address followed by “/login/”. For example, if your website is “,” your login page would be located at “”.

Step 2: Click on the “Lost your password?” Link

On the WordPress login screen, look for the “Lost your password?” link located below the login form. Click on this link, and you will be redirected to a page where you can reset your password.

Step 3: Enter Your Username or Email Address

On the password recovery page, enter either your WordPress username or the email address associated with your account. This is the same username or email address you use to log into your WordPress blog.

Step 4: Request a New Password

Once you have provided a valid username or email address, click the “Get New Password” button. WordPress will then send an email to the associated email address. You will also see a notification on the login screen instructing you to check your email for further instructions.

Step 5: Check Your Email Inbox

Head over to your email inbox and look for an email with the subject “[Your Blog Title] Password Reset.” If you do not see the email immediately, give it a few minutes as it may take some time to arrive. Also, be sure to check your Spam or Junk Mail folder if you cannot find it.

Step 6: Reset Your Password

Within the email, you will find a message similar to the following:

“Someone has requested to reset the password for the following account: [Link to Your Website]”

To proceed with the password reset, simply click on the provided link. This will take you back to your website, where you can enter a new password for your WordPress account. WordPress will generate a strong password for you, but if you prefer, you can set your own. For maximum security, it is recommended to choose a password that is at least 8 characters long and includes a combination of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters such as !, “, ?, $, %, ^, &.

Step 7: Log in to Your WordPress Blog

After setting a new password, click the “Reset Password” button. You will then see a notification confirming that your password has been successfully reset. To log in to your WordPress blog using the new password, simply click on the “Login” link.

Advanced Options: Resetting Password via phpMyAdmin

If you are an advanced WordPress user, there is an alternative method to reset a password using phpMyAdmin. However, please note that this method requires intermediate technical knowledge.

What If Password Reset Emails Fail?

In certain cases, WordPress may fail to send a password reset email. This can occur if your WordPress hosting server is not configured correctly to use the PHP mail() function. Additionally, some email service providers, like Gmail, may block emails sent from WordPress sites from reaching your inbox.

To ensure that WordPress emails are reliably sent, consider using an SMTP plugin for WordPress, such as WP Mail SMTP. This plugin uses proper authentication, resulting in higher email deliverability. There is even a free version of WP Mail SMTP available for use.

Securely Store Your New Password

Once you have successfully reset your password, WordPress will automatically generate a strong password that is hard to guess. It is crucial to securely store this password using a password manager. By doing so, you will eliminate the need for frequent password resets and enhance the overall security of your WordPress website.

Simplify Login with the “Always Remember Me” Plugin

Entering your password every time you log in to your WordPress blog can become tedious. However, if you consistently use your own devices and log in using your home internet connection, you can streamline the login process with the “Always Remember Me” plugin. This plugin adds a “Remember Me” option below your login screen, allowing you to stay logged in for extended periods unless you clear your browser’s cookies.


We hope this tutorial has been helpful in guiding you through the process of retrieving your lost WordPress password. For additional guidance, check out our guide on enforcing strong passwords in WordPress and explore our expert recommendations for the best WordPress login page plugins. Do not forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more informative WordPress video tutorials. Stay connected with us on social media via Twitter and Facebook.

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