Maximizing Revenue with Amazon Native Shopping Ads


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Maximize Your Blog’s Earnings with Amazon Native Shopping Ads

Tired of low-paying ads? Looking for an alternative to AdSense that can boost your blog’s revenue? Look no further than Amazon Native Shopping Ads! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about using Amazon Native Shopping Ads to skyrocket your earnings.

Understanding Amazon Native Shopping Ads

Similar to AdSense, Amazon Native Shopping Ads display contextual ads based on your page’s content. However, unlike AdSense, Native Shopping Ads not only pay you for clicks but also for actual sales. Once you place the ad codes on your blog, the system analyzes your content and showcases relevant products based on your article’s keywords.

How Does It Work?

Let’s take an example to understand how it works. Imagine you recommend a product to your reader, Paul, through an Amazon Native Shopping Ad on your blog. If Paul purchases the product, you earn a commission. But it doesn’t end there! If Paul decides to buy other products during the same purchase, you’ll earn a commission on those items as well. For instance, if Paul’s total purchase amounts to $1000 and your commission rate is 4%, you’ll earn $40 from that one referral!

Why Choose Amazon Native Shopping Ads?

As the leading global e-commerce site, Amazon enjoys a higher conversion rate compared to other platforms. By utilizing Amazon Native Shopping Ads, you gain access to a wide range of popular products, increasing the chances of conversions. Moreover, these ads are responsive and seamlessly adapt to screens of all sizes.

Types of Amazon Native Ads

Currently, there are three types of Amazon Native Ads:

  1. Recommendation Ads: Suggest products based on your blog’s content.
  2. Search Ads: Display search results based on the user’s queries.
  3. Custom Ads: Customize the appearance of these ads to match your blog’s style.

Note that Native Ads are only available for the Amazon U.S. program. To target users in other countries, consider using a geo-targeted ad server like DPF.

Getting Started with Amazon Native Shopping Ads

Step 1: Existing Amazon Affiliate Account or Application

If you already have an Amazon affiliate account, you can start immediately. Otherwise, you’ll need to apply for an account first. Visit the designated page and click on “Create Ad Code”.

Step 2: Select Ad Type and Categories

On the next page, choose from the three ad types. For this tutorial, we’ll go with “Recommendation Ads”. Additionally, selecting categories relevant to your blog’s content will enhance the chances of conversions.

Step 3: Configuration and Placement

Scroll down on the same page to configure the remaining options, which are straightforward. Once done, simply place the provided ad codes on your blog. WordPress users can utilize plugins like Ad Inserter or Ad Injection for seamless ad placement.

Tracking Performance

To measure the performance of your Amazon Native Display Ads across multiple websites, create a tracking ID for each blog. This offers invaluable insights to optimize your revenue streams.


Amazon Native Shopping Ads present a lucrative monetization option for niche bloggers with significant U.S. traffic. By harnessing the popularity and conversion rate of Amazon, you can substantially increase your earnings compared to traditional ad networks. Don’t wait any longer—start maximizing your revenue potential with Amazon Native Shopping Ads today!

Did you find this guide helpful? Share your experience and feedback with us in the comments below. And don’t forget to explore our other articles on monetizing your blog.

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