How to Share Sermons with Your Church Members Online


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Share Sermons Online: A Comprehensive Guide for Churches

Sharing sermons online with your church members is a great way to engage with them and attract new followers. In this detailed guide, we will walk you through the process of recording and adding audio or video sermons to your church website. Even if you don’t have a website yet, don’t worry – we will cover that as well. Let’s get started!

Creating Your Church Website

If you already have a church website, you can skip this step. However, if you don’t, it’s crucial to create one to host your sermons. Fortunately, creating a website doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. We recommend using WordPress because it is easy to use and offers flexibility. Hosting providers like Bluehost make it even more affordable, with plans starting at just $2.75 per month. You can find a step-by-step tutorial on creating a WordPress website to guide you through the process.

Choosing the Right Recording Equipment

The equipment you need for recording sermons depends on whether you want to record during church services or separately. If your church already has a soundboard and a laptop, you can connect them and use software like Audacity to record. Alternatively, you can invest in a portable handheld audio recorder or a microphone for solo recordings. For video sermons, a video camera or even your smartphone with a tripod can suffice. These options allow you to record on a budget without compromising on quality.

Recording and Editing Your Sermons

When it comes to audio sermons, we recommend using Audacity, a free software program that makes recording and editing a breeze. Simply open Audacity, start a new project, and hit the record button. Don’t worry about mistakes – you can always edit them out later. You can even import music files to enhance your sermons. After recording, export your sermon in MP3 format to maintain quality while keeping the file size manageable. If you prefer video sermons, YouTube is an excellent, free, and user-friendly platform. Record your video using a camera or smartphone and upload it to your YouTube channel.

Uploading Your Sermons to Your Website

Uploading large audio or video files directly to your website can slow down its performance. To keep your site fast and efficient, we recommend using separate hosting services for your sermons. For audio sermons, Podbean is a popular podcast hosting service that allows easy upload and sharing. If video sermons are your preference, YouTube is an excellent choice. Not only is it free, but it also has a large user base, which helps with discoverability. By utilizing specialized hosting services, you ensure a seamless experience for your website visitors.

Adding Your Sermons to Your Church Website

To make your sermons easily accessible, you need to add them to your church website. The Sermon Manager for WordPress plugin is a fantastic tool that simplifies the management and showcasing of your sermons. Install the plugin, create a new sermon post, and fill in the details: sermon title, date, description, sermon notes (if applicable), and the URL of your audio or video sermon. Thoughtful descriptions can improve your search engine visibility. Once published, your sermons will be available on your website for members to access past sermons and receive notifications of new uploads.

Submitting Your Sermon Podcast to Directories

Expanding your audience and making it easier for members to subscribe to your sermons can be achieved by submitting your podcast to directories like Apple’s iTunes and Google Play. The Sermon Manager plugin simplifies this process with its podcast feed feature. Once verified, your sermons will be available for streaming and download on popular podcast apps. This allows you to reach a wider audience and enables members to listen at their convenience.

Live Streaming Your Sermons

In addition to recording and sharing sermons, live streaming can be an effective way to engage with your church community and reach new audiences. Platforms like YouTube and Facebook offer live streaming capabilities for real-time broadcasting. However, it is essential to also have recorded sermons available on your website for easy access. By combining both approaches, you cater to those who prefer live streaming while accommodating members who want to revisit past sermons.


Sharing sermons online with your church members provides valuable content and helps foster spiritual growth within your congregation. Whether you choose audio or video sermons, following these steps will ensure a seamless experience. Invest in the right recording equipment, use user-friendly software, host your sermons on dedicated platforms, and optimize your church website. By doing so, you will effectively share sermons and nurture the faith of your church community.

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