Guest Blogging Etiquette: 9 Mistakes to Avoid for Success


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The Significance of Personalization

A common error in guest blogging is lacking personalization. Beginning with a generic greeting like “Dear Sir or Madam” is ineffective. Blog owners anticipate that their guests will be familiar with their site and its values. Instead of taking a one-size-fits-all approach, consider the guest blogging process as building a relationship. Take the time to show genuine interest in the blog’s content and engage with the blog owner on a personal level.

The Power of Research

Before reaching out to a site for guest posting, it is crucial to spend a few minutes exploring the website and its posting guidelines. Avoid emailing the blog owner to ask basic questions that are already available on the site. By demonstrating that you have done your research, you showcase professionalism and respect for the blog owner’s time.

Failing to Follow Instructions

Even if a blog owner has not explicitly provided posting guidelines, it is always safe to assume that they have expectations. When given access to guidelines, read them carefully before starting to write. Some bloggers may require a pitch before submitting an article idea, while others may have specific requirements for the subject line or writing style. Pay attention to these details and tailor your submission accordingly.

Things to be cautious about:

  • Submitting Irrelevant Content

It does not make sense to submit an article about car insurance to a hair restoration blog. Ensure that the content you submit is relevant and valuable to the audience of the targeted blog.

  • Submitting Redundant Content

Avoid writing about topics that have already been extensively covered. Conduct a site search to determine if the topic you want to write about has already been explored in-depth. If it has, choose a different angle or topic to provide fresh insights to the readers.

  • Submitting Generic Content

Generic and unhelpful content fails to attract readers. People search online for valuable and specific information. When writing a guest post, aim to provide in-depth knowledge and practical advice to the audience.

  • Avoiding Technical Jargon

While you may be an expert in a specific field, not all readers share the same level of knowledge. Avoid using technical jargon and assume that readers may not understand complex references. Instead, write in a conversational tone that engages and appeals to a broad audience.

Embracing the Editing Process

It is crucial to be open to edits and suggestions from the blog owner. Remember that your name is attached to the guest post, so its quality reflects on you. However, keep in mind that the post is also on the blog owner’s site, and its quality reflects on them as well. Embrace the editing process as an opportunity to improve the post’s quality and ensure it resonates with readers.

Maintaining Professionalism and Engagement

After your guest post goes live, it is important to maintain a good relationship with the blog owner. Avoid going AWOL and not engaging with the blog’s audience or the owner. Stick around, respond to comments, and show gratitude to the blogger for the opportunity. Maintaining professionalism and building relationships can lead to future guest blogging opportunities.

Guest blogging offers an excellent way to establish yourself as an authority and obtain high-quality backlinks. By avoiding these nine guest blogging mistakes, you significantly increase your chances of getting your guest post published and making a positive impression on blog owners. Which guest blogging mistakes do you avoid? Share your thoughts in the comments below, and don’t forget to share this post with your fellow bloggers on social media!

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