Fixing Wrong Page Ranking Issues: A Comprehensive Guide


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The Significance of Proper Page Ranking

Attaining a high rank for your desired keyword on search engines is a cause for celebration. However, it can be frustrating when the page that is ranking is not relevant to the keyword. This mismatch can adversely affect your click-through rate, conversion rate, and overall traffic. In this article, we will explore the process of analyzing, identifying, and resolving incorrect page ranking issues to ensure that your website accurately represents search queries and drives relevant traffic to your site.

Analyzing Your Page Content

When troubleshooting incorrect page ranking issues, it is important to start by analyzing the content on your pages. Begin by selecting the most important keywords that have the potential to drive the most traffic. Analyzing every single ranking page for all keywords is not necessary. Instead, focus on the keywords that will have the greatest impact on your website’s performance.

Identifying Potential Problems

There can be various reasons why a page is ranking incorrectly for a specific keyword. It is crucial to go through each potential issue step-by-step to pinpoint the exact problem.

  1. Technical and Quality Issues: Check if there are any technical or quality problems that may prevent your preferred page from ranking high. Even if you have a relevant page, it may not rank if there are underlying problems that need to be addressed.

  2. Relevant Page Availability: Ensure that you have a well-optimized page that precisely matches the given keywords. If you do not have a suitable page, Google will rank the most appropriate alternative. Create a page that aligns with the keyword to improve your chances of ranking correctly.

  3. Keyword Cannibalization: It is possible that multiple pages on your website are competing for the same keyword, causing a less relevant but more influential page to overshadow the right one. Addressing keyword cannibalization is crucial to resolve incorrect page ranking issues.

Resolving Keyword Cannibalization

If you find that keyword cannibalization is the cause of your incorrect page ranking issues, consider implementing the following solutions:

  1. Consolidate Content: Merge or redirect similar pages to create a single authoritative page that targets the desired keyword. This will prevent cannibalization and improve your chances of ranking correctly.

  2. Update Internal Links: Review and update internal links on your website to ensure that the preferred page receives the appropriate internal link signals. This will help search engines recognize the relevance of the page to the keyword.

  3. Optimize On-Page Elements: Enhance the on-page elements, such as the title, meta description, headers, and content, of the preferred page to clearly indicate its relevance to the keyword. This will improve the page’s chances of ranking correctly in search engine results.

Implementing Keyword Mapping

Keyword mapping is a strategy where you assign specific pages to be optimized for each keyword. This helps prevent keyword cannibalization and ensures that your landing pages rank for the relevant keywords. Additionally, keyword mapping makes it easier to identify and resolve page-specific ranking issues.

Utilizing the Power of Social Media for Link Building

In the past, link building played a significant role in search engine rankings. Nowadays, social media platforms can be leveraged to create high-quality backlinks for specific keywords. Sharing your content through social media helps search engines understand how to rank your website for targeted keyword phrases. Therefore, it is essential to understand how to effectively use social media to improve your online presence and search engine performance.


By following the process outlined in this article, you can maximize your website’s current Google rankings, increase your traffic, and improve your conversion rate. Regularly monitor your rankings and analyze your ranking pages to ensure they accurately represent the search queries. Implementing proper keyword mapping and utilizing social media for link building will further enhance your online visibility and search engine performance. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to us.

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