Boost Your WordPress Blog Performance on Bluehost Hosting with PHP 7


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Improve Your WordPress Blog Performance on Bluehost with PHP 7 Upgrade

If you are a WordPress blogger using Bluehost hosting, there is some fantastic news for you! Upgrading to PHP 7 can greatly enhance your website’s performance. In this comprehensive tutorial, we will guide you through the process of upgrading and optimizing your WordPress blog on Bluehost for PHP 7.

Before You Start: Check Compatibility

Prior to diving into the tutorial, it is crucial to ensure compatibility with PHP 7. Verify if your current plugins and theme are compatible by following the steps outlined in a previous guide. Once you confirm compatibility, let’s proceed to speed up your WordPress blog with PHP 7.

Note: If you are a new Bluehost WordPress customer, PHP 7 is already included by default. However, if you are still on PHP 5.6, you can either request an upgrade from Bluehost customer support or follow this tutorial to do it yourself.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Upgrade to PHP 7

  1. Log in to your Bluehost hosting account and access the control panel.
  2. Find the option to select the PHP version. By default, it may be set to PHP 5.6.
  3. Choose the option labeled “PHP 7.0 [Beta, check site functionality for compatibility after enabling].”
  4. Click on “Save Changes.” Within seconds, all .php files on your server will start using the PHP 7.0 engine.
  5. If you have the Display PHP Version plugin installed, simply refresh your WordPress dashboard to see the new PHP version.

Experience the Boost: Enhanced Performance

After upgrading to PHP 7, you will notice a significant improvement in your WordPress blog’s performance. PHP 7 is faster and more efficient than PHP 5.6, resulting in faster website loading times. This translates to a better user experience and improved search engine rankings.

Performance graph

Important Notes and Precautions

If you encounter any issues or compatibility problems after upgrading, there is no need to worry! Bluehost offers excellent customer support, and they will assist you in resolving any concerns during the upgrade process.

To verify the speed and performance improvement of your website after the PHP 7 upgrade, I recommend conducting a speed test before and after the switch. This way, you can compare the results and experience the difference firsthand.

Take Advantage of Bluehost’s PHP 7 Support

If your current hosting provider does not offer PHP 7 support, now is the perfect opportunity to switch to Bluehost. They currently have a special promotional offer available, which allows you to get Bluehost hosting at a discounted price. Do not miss out on the chance to optimize your WordPress blog with PHP 7!

Additional Resources for Optimization

If you want to further optimize your WordPress blog on Bluehost and maximize its potential, check out these helpful tutorials:

  • Tutorial 1: Optimize Your Bluehost Hosting for Lightning-Fast WordPress Speed
  • Tutorial 2: Enhance Your Website Security on Bluehost Hosting
  • Tutorial 3: Boost Your SEO Ranking on Bluehost Hosting

Share Your Success Story

We would love to hear about your experience upgrading to PHP 7 on Bluehost hosting. Did you notice a significant improvement in your website’s performance? Share your thoughts, insights, and success stories in the comments section below! If you found this guide helpful, do not forget to share it with others on social media. Happy upgrading!

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