Automate Your Social Media Accounts with IFTTT – Save Time, Streamline Your Workflow, and Boost Your Productivity


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Streamline Your Social Media Management with IFTTT


Managing your social media updates and replies can feel overwhelming at times. But, don’t worry! IFTTT (If This Then That), a free automation tool, is here to help. With IFTTT, you can automate actions for various channels, including popular social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, as well as home automation devices. In this article, we will explore how IFTTT can assist you in automating your social media accounts, along with some other useful social media recipes.

Save Links for Future Reading

Save Links to Your Preferred App

Do you ever come across interesting links on Twitter that you want to read later? With IFTTT, you can easily save the first link from every tweet you favorite on Twitter to your favorite reading app, such as Pocket or Evernote. This is a fantastic way to curate long-form posts from Twitter for later reading.

Keep Track of Your Social Media Activity

Save Tweets to Google Spreadsheet

IFTTT provides various recipe variations to save your tweets, new followers, or links to a Google Spreadsheet. By creating a searchable archive of your tweets, you can avoid duplication, have easy access to reference material, and preserve memories for future use.

Streamline Content Sharing

Add Favorite Tweet to Buffer

For Buffer users, this recipe is a game-changer. By favoriting a tweet on Twitter, it will be instantly added to your Buffer and scheduled to be tweeted based on your Buffer schedule. Instead of manually retweeting tweets one after the other, you can simply add them to your Buffer queue effortlessly. Keep your Buffer queue topped up from anywhere.

Update Google+ Page Using Facebook Posts

Although Google+ doesn’t directly connect to IFTTT, you can link your Google+ page to your Buffer account. This allows you to automatically add all your Facebook updates to Google+ without any extra effort. Save time and effortlessly maintain an active presence on Google+.

Curate Content Effectively

Save Content in a Spreadsheet

To keep track of links you find interesting or need for future reference, IFTTT offers several recipes to save them to a Google Spreadsheet. For instance, a recipe can save Feedly articles to a Google Spreadsheet, but you can customize a new recipe to save tweets, Facebook posts, or any other articles you come across online. Streamline your content curation process with ease.

Promote Your Blog Content

Share New Blog Post on Multiple Platforms

As a blogger, creating content is just one part of being successful; you also need to promote your content. IFTTT allows you to automatically share new blog posts on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or even Google+ using various recipes available. Boost your blog’s reach with minimal effort by leveraging the power of automation.

Boost Freelancer Productivity

Add Fiverr Orders to Your Calendar

If you’re a freelancer using Fiverr, this recipe is perfect for you. It automatically adds all new Fiverr orders to your Google Calendar, saving you the time and effort of manually entering them. Stay organized and on track with your projects using this automation.

Tweet When You Get a Positive Fiverr Review

Positive reviews on Fiverr serve as valuable endorsements of your skills. With IFTTT, you can automatically tweet out every positive review you receive on Fiverr to your followers. Utilize the power of testimonials to attract new clients and grow your freelancing business.

Simplify Photo Uploads

Post Instagrams to Pinterest

Manually uploading photos to Pinterest can be time-consuming. However, IFTTT has a solution for you. This recipe automatically pushes your Instagram photos to your Pinterest account, saving you precious time every day. Say goodbye to the hassle of uploading photos manually and streamline your photo-sharing process.


IFTTT is a powerful automation tool with countless recipes to streamline your social media management and boost your productivity. Its integration with various channels allows you to automate tasks and save significant amounts of time. However, it’s crucial to avoid going overboard with automation. Experiment with different recipes and find the ones that work best for your needs. Share your favorite recipes in the comments, and let’s explore the world of social media automation together.

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